SGX Integration solutions
If your company is publicly listed in Singapore, and has a corporate website with an investor relation section, chances are that you need some kind of integration solution with SGX (Singapore Exchange). So if you are looking at a solution provider to do just that, we are here to help.
What types of integrations we can do?
We have helped many of our Singapore listed customers built websites, at the same time provide integration services to the SGX. Followings are the brief list of requirements our clients commonly seek.
Popular SGX Integration Solutions:
– Stock price feed
– Interactive stock chart display
– News and announcements syndication
We are sure if you are a listed company here in Singapore, you must be no stranger to SGX Data Services, or SGXNet. And these are the basis of what we can assist you with in customizing SGX integration needs. Be it embedding a stock chart, automation or streamlining of workflow.
Why integrate with SGX?
If you landed here on our page, there must be something in mind that you wish to achieve. Fundamentally, it should fall into the categories – of news and announcement syndication from SGX for display, or stock price information presentation.
Generally, you need some form of automation between your company’s corporate website (especially investor relations section) and SGX, or display of stock price information on your web pages.
How do you begin?
Well, if your company has an IT or MIS department and can do the nitty gritty coding or technical development with SGX API (Application Programming Interface), by all means, get help from your tech colleagues to get started. Contact SGX to begin with.
Otherwise, look for expert vendors in the field of API integration or web development – for consultation and implementation. Especially in relation to SGX integration services.
Who do you go to for help?
That is where we come in and why you are here. Leave the job to the experts like us. Contact us to help you with your SGX integration requirements!
We have facilitated our clients from simple stock price and charts embedding, to complex syndication and system integration. Whether is it for just a stand alone listed company, or a listed company with many related listed business units syndication workflow.
You can count on noteworthy providers like us for your specific tailored scenario of integration.
Guess what? If you are using WordPress, we have SGX Plugin for you too!
Why get WhooshPro for your SGX Integration needs
Hear what our clients say.
Some of our Singapore Publicly Listed Company related projects

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